A Maritime journey through shanties and other songs of the sea
Music Director: Nym Cooke
Piano: Peter Morin
Violin: Hunter Foote
Concertina: Tim St. Jean
Reed organ and pipe organ: Kevin Mathieu
Set List:
Blow, Ye Winds, in the Morning…………….……...….……..…….traditional, arr. Jerome Epstein
Away Rio!................................................................................traditional, arr. George Emlen
Fare You Well, Mary Ann………………………..…….….traditional Canadian, arr. George Emlen
Carousel: medley…………..……Oscar Hammerstein II and Richard Rodgers, arr. Clay Warnick
Away from the Roll of the Sea…….….………...…....…..Allister MacGillivray, arr. Diane Loomer
Water is Wide……………..….traditional, arr. Indigo Girls, Jewel, Sarah McLachlan, Nym Cooke
The Seamen’s Hymn……………………………….......………………traditional, arr. George Emlen
Michael, Row the Boat Ashore……….……......…traditional African-American, arr. George Emlen
Somos el Barco………………………….…........…………………………..………………..traditional
To Portsmouth……………………….......…...…………words anonymous; melody by David Mellvill
Ocean…………………………….…...……..……..words by Isaac Watts, music by Supply Belcher
The Last Hymn…….....…………....…….…words by Marianne Farringham, music by J. W. Hicks
Eternal Father, Strong to Save.....................words by William Whiting, music by John B. Dykes
A-Roving……………………………….....…..........…………………….traditional, arr. George Emlen
The Mingulay Boat Song……………………....….………….traditional Scottish, arr. George Emlen
Leave Her, Johnny…………………………………….......……………traditional, arr. Jerome Epstein
The Jamestown Homeward Bound……………..…….....……………..traditional, arr. George Emlen
Rolling Home to Old New England…..…………….……......…………traditional, arr. George Emlen