The role of the Wings of Song Board of Directors is to make executive decisions as to:
Concert themes, musical selections, dates, and venues
Coordination of fundraisers
Policies for running rehearsals and concerts
Producing and distributing recordings of concerts
Reaching out to the Friends of WoS
The Board meets several times throughout the year: before rehearsals begin to plan the upcoming season, partway through rehearsal seasons to determine venues, post-season to discuss plans for the next season, during the summer to plan fundraising (particularly the annual auction), and other issues/intervals as needed. It tends to gather over dinner at various restaurants in the Sturbridge area, engaging in lively discussion and even rousing innocent bystanders with a few songs!
The Board welcomes chorus members to attend any of its meetings and offer input. Contact the president for more information.
President: Carol Curtin
Music Director: Nym Cooke
Friends Coordinator: Linda Lambrecht
Secretary: Randal Chinnock
Treasurer: Sarah Clarke
Members at Large:
Jeanne Adler
Eric Glinsky
Sylvia King
Joe Zwiebel